Food Stories: Coltello-katana. E Coquilles St. Jacques.
Forse volevo vedere come tagliava la carne, sto’ coltello nuovo da chef, il migliore che avevo mai usato. Dato che volevo cucinare un po’ di …
….sharing budget-friendly flavors with friends
Forse volevo vedere come tagliava la carne, sto’ coltello nuovo da chef, il migliore che avevo mai usato. Dato che volevo cucinare un po’ di …
Pretend you’re stupid so you’ll get elected President. Not a problem. Then invade Iraq. Never mind that has nothing to do with pasta. Hell, we’d invade Italy if we had to. And we’d invade France jus’ for the fun of it.
…if you want a deep, rich flavor on a cool eve but dont feel much like cooking, you can shove this oh-so-easy-to-make classic on a back burner:
…for Will’s Week, take have a listen or read Vanessa’s fun review of Romeo and Juliet at Food In Books: – podcast: Blog: …
….for easter and Will’s birthday – on sale now at amazon: “She’s even setting on water to scald such Chickens as you…” Timon of …
Yesterday for the first time I made fried milt, not knowing what it was, and ate it with a girl friend. Marvelous, breaded in kamut flour and grated lemon rind with a bit of green-tea salt. When today I asked our fish dealer just where milt comes from, she explained: “sacks of seminal fluid. The eggs are from the females, the milt….” To which my friend said “Oh. So men are at least good for something….”
“Let’s carve him as a dish fit for the gods…” Julius Cesar 2, 1 Shakespeare had a thing for Italian regional cuisine, with many of his …
A thousand different names, a million different variations, all derived from ancient times, likely as soon as people learned to mix flour and liquid into a dough, roll it out, fry it, and sweeten it. Certainly a version was already well known in ancient Rome: frictilia. Apicius mentions them as a cheap and delicious street food passed out to people celebrating Saturnalia.
I love sandwiches. I really do. All kinds. Each of their differing forms around the world correspond perfectly to different places and moments: a quick …
This is such a marvel of a plate. Deep, satisfying flavors perfect for any cool eve – despite its humble market consideration. You can alter the flavors by fiddling with the marinade and sudes and any sauces. The meat the next day is even better in sandwiches and the cooking pot remains perfect to be blended and mixed into noodles for a pasta dish the following eve. QB.