Food Story – Food Science: CTRA expression – sharing meals runs deep (joy is always shared – gioia e sempre condiviso)


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One new column: food science, where we’ll occasionally be posting links and discussions on… where and how flavors are formed.

Human cells respond in healthy, unhealthy ways to different kinds of happiness

Date: July 29, 2013 Source: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Summary: Human bodies recognize at the molecular level that not all happiness is created equal, responding in ways that can help or hinder physical health, according to new research.

related: The island Where people Forget to die:

(translated comment) Joy is different than pleasure, however you might want to delineated the two words and what they describe, and even if joy can bring to toward an encounter with pleasure. They wrap you up, those moments of encounter, the places, scents, where boundaries melt and what you do confounds entirely in what is lost, in what you, plural, are. Repeat: you plural. Joy is always shared, both within and without.

Sometimes with a physical person, o more in a howling desire for soemone else, for a mountain, for a child or dog or the sea or a sweet ache. And the places of those encounters remain impressed, you breath, the silence in a night, the branches under a streetlamp, the light fall of an unnamed creek. All those places become one. And remain and will remain. They aren’t part of time passing anymore, once lived, expressed time of time itself.

Pleasure instead left to itself is a mere egoist. If doesn’t hesitate before distroying what joy might serve it. Indeed, it needs those joys, feeds on them, an appetite that can’t be satiated, it’s boundaries so fixed and hard and small need more, more time, always more. Pleasure. Eats time to the end of the song. LAtely, it’s been eating a lot. To make certain that joy cannot expresse itself.

Yup. It is so very afraid, pleasure, for itslef. Joy… not really, it carries little fear if any, supports sufering if needed, even the tiredness that comes with time, old wounds, becomes timid. Hesitates. But without fear. Well, maybe a little… (some wounds….) But its existence doesn’t consider time. Pleasure instead is so fragile, so brittle and without…. relavence, potentially. But it dominates the men who today control our planets resources. Plesure. Without joy.

(Gioire. Non e il piacere, anche se la gioia può venire incontro al piacere. Ti avvolgono, quei momenti di incontro, i luoghi, gli odori, dove confini diventano liquidi e quello che fai confluisce interamente in quello che perdi, in quello che siete. Gia’, plurale. Gioia e sempre condiviso.

A volte con una persona fisica, o piu in un desiderio che urla, per un’altra persona, per una montagna, per un figlio o un cane o il mare o un dolce dolore. E i luoghi di quei incontro rimangono impresse, il respiro, il silenzio di una notte, i rami di un albero sotto una luce, la cascata di quel fiume senza nome. Tutti quei luoghi diventano uno solo. E rimangano, e rimane. Non fa parte del tempo che scorre, il tempo espresso, ma del tempo stesso.

Il piacere, lasciato a se stesso invece…e una mera egoista. Non esita di distruggere la gioia se gli serve. Anzi ne ha bisogno, il suo appetito, che non può essere saziato, i suoi limiti cosi solidi e confinati e magri, di prendere sempre più, e sempre piu tempo. Il piacere. Mangia il tempo fino alla fine della canzona. E in questo periodo mangia molto. Per togliere la possibilità che la gioia si potesse esprimere.

Gia’. Ha tanta paura, il piacere. Per se stesso. La gioia non tanto, pero a volte fa fatica, porta anche i mali, anche la stanchezza del tempo, le ferite, diventa timida. Esita. Ma non ha paura. Beh, forse un po. (A volte certe ferite…) Ma la sua e un esistenza che non bada al tempo. Il piacere invece e così fragile, o piu così senza rilevanza. E domina gli uomini che oggi controllano le risorse della terra. Il piacere. Senza gioia.)

newer comment:

In the details of the article above are aspects that could help explain…a bit, depending on the different ways of influence and definitions used. (The same definitions or parameters on different people have different effects, and more in different contexts. Ie the ‘enjoying a good meal’ used in the article is a very poor example. Sharing a good meal with accompanying rituals means a thing vs. plopping open, say, a 100 euro Haut sauterne at an elegant 3-star table, fois gras in the plate, with, say, if you’re a male heterosexual senior executive, a 5,000 ‘rose’ priced blond sitting across and smiling at you demurely, or not so, depending on tastes. Neither in each context is a simple or direct pleasure.

Likewise the impact of harvesting grapes on the same hillside as your father and grandfather did will be experienced differently than for, say, that same senior executive, or the same you at different ages. But I wonder if place, rather the interaction of place – aesthetics, scent, sound – with perception, contributes importantly to individual CTRA expression. See the greek island where people forget to die.)

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